Aliexpress voltage regulator.
Diy lab bench power supply make using atx psu.
Warning never connect to ac wall plug while cover opened learn how to make an easy bench power supply from pc atx power supply it can afford 12v 12v 5v 3 3v and variable 1 2v 11vparts.
Atx power supplies have standard sizes and connectors for use with atx motherboards.
Most computer psu s range from about 150w up to 500w so there is plenty of power.
There are actually a few different atx power supplies all of them are designed to provide 3 3 5 and 12 volt outputs.
A little more work up front but well worth it in the long run as it is super easy to swap supplies if one fails.
Looks like a fun project.
List of needed components to built diy benchtop power supply.
Convert a computer power supply to a variable bench top lab power supply.
Those previous articles will help to understand the terminologies.
Based on this question on an apple forum it looks like the power supply can provide one of three different voltages based on the attached device.
The main power connector supplies power to the motherboard of the computer.
But it turns out a obsolete computer power supply is perfect for the job instead.
Obviously you need a computer psu which is healthy and nicely working.
I really like your take on using a motherboard connector to make this work with with any atx power supply.
In this video show converting computer atx power supply to lab bench power supply.
I am considering building this but using an usb c apple power supply.
The interchangeability would be kind of fun as well as setting up the case with a slick usb c port.
With these costing you only 25 and having short circuit protection thermal protection overload protection and.
Here is a list of needed components to build diy benchtop power supply based on computer psu like atx to give uniform regulated dc output.
Prices today for a lab power supply well exceed 180.
The original atx standard connector used for powering the motherboard was a single 20 pin molex that has all the required 12vdc and 5vdc voltages with huge output currents and short circuit protection as well as a power on wire that allows the pc s software to turn off the psu on shut down.